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Neither Funny Nor Original

Hi, we’re Brittney & Bridget, the founders of NFNO.

This isn’t just a gay podcast, it’s a people podcast.
This isn’t just a gay store, it’s everyone’s store.
This isn’t an exclusive community, we welcome everyone (except assholes, they are excluded).
We crave conversation, we seek support and we love learning about people from all walks of life.


We are Neither Funny Nor Original. Consider this our survival guide.

Our backstory

There’s no handbook for coming out. Well, there might be a few knockoff Coming Out of the Closet for Dummies floating on the back shelves of some musty store in a “Self-Help” or “Gay and Lesbian” section, however, when it comes to in closet living and post closet thriving, there’s very little resources for surviving it all. I mean, if there’s a designated shelf for zombie apocalypse survival guides, shouldn’t there at least be a reserved space for the oh so frightful super queers?

For five years we searched for a “survival guide”, a plausible and applicable outline on how to navigate coming out as LGBT while still in the throes of Sunday worship, weekly bible studies and narrow minded family and friends. After that, we did what any undercover secret gay-gents would do – we went to a therapist for some fucking guidance.
It was at this point we had to deprogram from our religious upbringing and reset our (queer) selves, which is another story for another time or you can listen to it here.

After what felt like a gazillion therapy sessions and a commitment to practicing self-reflection, we decided it was time to come out. In 2017, after six years of hiding our relationship, we regally crawled out of the closet with the fervor of a newly elected Lesi-dent of the United Gays and were married by that Fall. We’ve since made it our ultimate mission to live as authentically and unapologetically as Moira Rose and Roland Schitt. This mission has led us to create Neither Funny Nor Original (NFNO), a quirky, colorful community and mastermind clusterfuck of our podcast, greeting cards and whatever other cute shit we dream up.


Our Mission

When you peel back the layers of who Neither Funny Nor Original is, our mission is really quite simple. We recognize that the colors of a rainbow are many, but we celebrate that the colors of people are infinite.

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